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Hiking, Walking, Running, Rail Trail, Biking, Nature
Camping, Astronomy, Zoo's, Aquariums, Canoeing
and Kayaking Information... Links Page
(Wow -  Now that's a mouthful !)

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As of: 01-09-17

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As of 03-29-19 available in over 104-Languages
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Good General Overall Links
(Parks, Trails, Walking, Biking, etc)

(ATV Riding, Snowmobiling, Motorcycle, Cross Country Skiing, Mountain Bike, Hiking Trails, Horseback Riding)

Visit NewEngland - Recreation, Beaches, (Outdoors) Walking, Hiking and Biking

State and National Parks
Find Parks by State - Webfindr
LLBEAN - Park Search
National Parks - Worldwidesm
National Parks and Botanical Gardens Worldwide
Parks and Public Lands in the Yahoo Directory
World National Parks Page
The Great Outdoors Page

* Wikipedia - 'National Parks'
History, Types, and more

* Wikipedia - 'List of National Parks'
List of National Parks Worldwide

* * Wikipedia - 'List of State Parks'
List of State Parks Worldwide

US National Park Service

The National Park Service - Main Site
(Find parks, monuments, history, etc)

- Search for  'National Parks Worldwide'


* Wikipedia - 'Beaches'
History, Types, and more

* Wikipedia - 'List of Beaches'
List of Beaches Worldwide


* Wikipedia - 'Mountains'
History, Types, and more

* Wikipedia - 'List of Mountains'
List of Mountains Worldwide

Location Specific Links

Mt Wachusett - Mountain Rd ,Princeton MA.
Wachusett Mountain State Reservation
Mt Wachusett State Reservation - Trail map
A1 Trails: Hiking the Wachusett Mountain State Reservation ...

Mt Pisgah - Smith Rd, Northboro, MA
Mt Pisgah - Northboro Conservation Land

Mt Washington, NH
Hiking Trails - A1Trails  NH

Mt Monadnock, NH
Hiking Trails on Mt. Monadnock

Stratton Village, VT
Stratton Village

Stowe, VT
Stowe Vermont - Recreation Path

Hunter Mountain, NY (Catskills)
Hunter Mountain
(German, Cajun, Celtic, Microbrew & Wine Fest, Oktoberfest Festivals)

Acadia National Park - Bar Harbor, ME
Acadia National Park

Bristol & Providence, RI
Colt State Park - Bristol, RI
East Bay Bike Path (Providence-Bristol, RI)

Cape Cod, MA
Bicycling on Cape Cod

* Maine Beaches
Maine Healthy
(See status and locations of coastal beaches)

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Camping & Outdoors Links

Campground Listings

Go Camping America
(US and Canada)
Woodalls - Since 1935
(US and Canada)

* RV Park and Campground Reviews - State Index

- Search for  'CampGrounds'

- Search for  'Camping'

- Search for  'Tenting'

Adventures, Safaris, and Tours

OAT - Overseas Adventure Travel Safaris

Outfitting & Gear Stores

EMS - Eastern Mountain Sports
The Kittery Trading Post - Kittery Maine

RV Centers and Supplies
Woodalls - RV Parts & Service

- Search for  'RV centers and supplies'

Camping Supplies

- Search for  'camping supplies'
Fishing Supplies
* Locate Fishing Supplies by State -

-- More Coming --

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Walking and Rail Trails

American Trails - State By State national resources for trails and greenways

Visit NewEngland - Recreation, Beaches, Walking, Hiking and Biking

* Rails To



* *

* Wikipedia - 'Rail Trail'
History, US, New Zealand, Other Countries, List of Trails, and more

* Wikipedia - 'Walking Trail'
History, Types, Locations, and more



American Trails - Massachusetts Trails and Greenways, Railtrails
guide to hiking, biking, and trail riding

Assabet River Rail Trail

Colt State Park - Bristol, RI

Cedar Hill Trails Area - (Northboro/Westboro, Mass)

MassHome - Directory of Railroad Web Sites in Massachusetts

Visit NewEngland (Massachusetts) - Walking, Hiking and Biking - Massachusetts

Westboro, Mass - Charm Bracelet Trail (Lake Chauncey, etc)


* - Search for  'Rail Trails'
* - Search for  'Walking Trails'

Running & Marathons

Best Running Places for Runners World Wide Around The Planet
Tips, Races & Routes

* - Search for  'Marathons'

Bicycle Trail Links

Assabet River Rail Trail

Mass Bike.Org
(Lots of lists of bike paths, and more across Massachusetts) - Massachusetts

Colt State Park - Bristol, RI

East Bay Bike Path - Bristol-Providence RI  

* - Search for  'Bicycle Trails'

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Canoeing and

Wikipedia - Canoeing

International Canoe Federation
 The international governing body for canoe and kayak sport

International Canoe
United States Canoe Association
Canadian Canoe Association
British Canoe Union
Scottish Canoe Association
Welsh Canoe Association
Irish Marathon Canoeing How-to
Canoeing South Africa
Canoeing in Wales

Wikipedia - Kayaking
Online canoe and kayak wiki guide
A wiki website (like wikipedia)
about kayaks and kayaking.

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Nature Links:
Tree's - Birds - Flowers - Insects/Bugs - Etc

USDA's - Invasive Species Databases
(Aquatic, Plants, Animals, Microbes, and more)

Nature Society Links

National Audubon Society - Home Page
Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society
- More Coming  -


Field Guide Links
Wonderfully Informative Field guides, full of informative information and pictorials

E.g - Birds, Butterflies, Fishes, Fossils, Insects/Spiders, Mammals, Mushrooms
Night Skies, Reptiles, Rocks&Minerals, Seashore, Tree's, Weather, Wild Flowers)

From the likes of
 Audubon, Peterson, Golden, Stokes, Nature Finder, National Geographic,
 Simon and Schuster, Sibley, Kaufman, Newcomb, and Reader’s Digest

Acorn Naturalists - List of Field Guides

National Audubon Society's - Complete Field Guide Books List
Wonderfully Informative Field guides Full of informative information and pictorials - Search for 'Field Guides'


Tree Links

Trees for You - Tree Links
WVU - Tree Links

- Search for  'tree links'
* - Search for  'Types of Trees'

Bird Links

National Audubon Society - Bird Links
BSC-EOC - Bird Links to The World
SKOF - Bird Links (more  than 4300 links)

- Search for  'bird links'
* - Search for  'Types of Birds'

Bird Watchers Digest

- Search for  'bird watchers'

Naturesongs - Bird Sound Digitally Recorded

- Search for  'bird sounds'

Flower and Botanical Garden Links

Botanical Society of America
Dr Scott Russell's Botanical Links
Flower Links
Internet Directory for Botany - IDB
New York Botanical Garden - Int'l Plant Science Searchable Databases
The Gardening Launch Pad
* * Types of
World Wide Web Virtual Library - Botany

Mobot - Societies and Organizations - Worldwide

Botanical Gardens Worldwide listed in the Yahoo Directory
BGCI - Botanical Gardens International - Garden Search
(Click on the Botanical Gardens world map once there)

- Search for  'botany links'
* - Search for  'Types of Flowers'
* - Search for  'Types of Weeds'

Insect /Bug Links

* What's That Bug - BugMan
Bug Links.Org

- Search for  'bug links'
* - Search for  'Types of Bugs'
* - Search for  'Types of Insects'

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Weather Links

Learn About Clouds - Tornados - Hurricanes - Etc at Weather Malta
Clouds and Other Meteorological Phenomena - Clouds

  - Search for 'Learning About Clouds'     
Weather Sites
There is no end to the supply of weather related services on the Internet. Go to a local television or radio station
 website for example and obtain weather information for your area, most ISP startup pages now contain
 custom weather lookup services as well. For quick no nonsense customized weather lookup in your area
 click on one of the links below.

(Plug-in your zip code for weather & related info in your area)

*   -

- The WEATHER Channel   


  - Search for 'Weather'


Astronomy Site Links:
Astronomy News (Night Sky Observer)
Astronomy - The sky this month
* Astronomy - Interactive Star Chart Wunderground (enter Zipcode)
JD's Astronomy and Space Hotlinks
* Hubble Telescope - Main Page
NASA - Main Site
Observing The Sky - This Week's Sky at a Glance
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows
a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye,
binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors.
Just set your coordinates and go. - Astronomy

Wikipedia - List of the largest optical reflecting telescopes (and more)

Android and iPhone/iPad Astronomy Apps:
* Android - Astronomy Apps (GooglePlay Store)

* - Search for 'iTunes Astronomy Apps'
or go directly into iTunes and search for Astronomy Apps !

Telescope Manufacturers:
Meade Telescopes & Microscopes
Orion Telescopes and Binoculars

  - Search for 'Astronomy'
  - Search for 'The sky this month'
*   - Search for 'Where the sky is from my location zip code'

-- More Coming --

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Zoo's and Aquariums
around the world:


* American Association of Museums (AAM)
** Find a Museum by type, name, etc  Nationally or Worldwide

* ** American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA)
Become a member and get entry into hundreds of Zoos, Aquariums, and Museums
(Science and Art) at discounted rates or free.
Find an AZA accredited Zoo or Aquarium Nationally or worldwide

Yahoo! Science - Biology - Zoology - Zoos
* Zoos/Aquariums Worldwide (Clickable Map) updated
ZooWeb - Zoo's Worldwide

Specific Links
* Australia Zoo - Home of the Crocodile Hunter
Southwick's Zoo - Menden MA
* National Zoo Home Page - Washington DC
* Roger Williams Park Zoo - Providence RI
* The Phoenix Zoo - Phoenix AZ
Zoo's New England - (The Franklin & Stone Zoo's)


* Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society

* American Association of Museums (AAM)
** Find a Museum by type, name, etc  Nationally or Worldwide

* ** American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA)
Become a member and get entry into hundreds of Zoos, Aquariums, and Museums
(Science and Art) at discounted rates or free.
Find an AZA accredited Zoo or Aquarium Nationally or worldwide

Fish Link Central Aquariums Worldwide
ZooWeb - Aquariums Worldwide

* Seaworld - All Locations
The New England Aquarium - Boston MA
* Zoos/Aquariums Worldwide (Clickable Map) updated

Other Sections to see:
(Museums, Zoo's, Nature Walks, Travel)

* Visit our Museums Section on
our Main Links Page for a large list of museums and libraries nationally and around the world.

* Visit our Art Museums, Art, and Artists Section on
our Entertainment Page for a large list of Art museums, Artist Links etc around the world


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